October 7th was the Feast of the Lady of the Rosary and so October is generally known as the month of the Rosary.
What better way to celebrate than to take some time to pray the holy rosary?
You’ll find instructions for how to pray the rosary on this site, as well as beautiful rosaries to buy if you need a new one (sorry, I couldn’t resist). But in this day and age, there are new technologies to help too. I’ve already highlighted a couple of mobile apps for praying the rosary.
I recently ran across an interactive rosary online that is very easy to use . You don’t even need to have a rosary in hand. You simply follow the instructions on the screen, click the rosary elements, and the respective prayer appears on the right side of the screen. It even knows the day of the week and presents you with the appropriate Glorious Mystery.
It’s perfect for a quiet lunch break at your desk or some peaceful “me” time away from the kids. So no excuses like, “I forgot my rosary,” or “my phone is low on battery.” Click on over to the interactive rosary and celebrate the holy rosary.